Celebrating Over Two Decades of Giving with Style!

Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 
Celebrating over 2 decades of Giving with Style * 

Now's the time, and this is the year.

I am so honored to be your president as we celebrate over two decades of improving the lives of kidney patients right here in North Texas. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you and take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to the ongoing work of our organization. Your generosity and support have made KidneyTexas.INC stand strong throughout the years, and I am grateful to stand among the selfless women who saw a need and rose to fill it.
Mari Epperson
President, KidneyTexas Inc.
Did you know that more people die from kidney disease each year than from breast and prostate cancer, combined?

And thousands more ~ both children and adults ~ are profoundly affected by the tremendous physical, financial, and emotional toll brought on by kidney disease. Since our founding in 1999, we have provided more than $4.7 million in local funding to help in the search for a cure by promoting research, enhancing treatment, and supporting quality renal care in our community.

But friends, this is  KidneyTexas! We don’t just raise money – we do it with STYLE! So get your ticket and join us for The Runway Report Luncheon and Fashion Show on Friday, September 26th, because you will not want to miss it! And if you want to play along behind the scenes, we’re always excited to welcome new volunteers and hope you’ll send us a message at info@kidneytexas.org to let us know you’re interested. Because thanks to YOU, and the generosity and efforts of all of our dedicated members, we are transforming lives: North Texans living with kidney disease, and the diseases our research impacts, have reason to hope for a better life.

Not a Member Yet? Join Us!

We’d love to have you be part of our group – come have fun with us while raising money and awareness to support our beneficiaries across the DFW Metroplex.

The women of KidneyTX.Inc. are amazing—not only do they raise funds, but most importantly, they raise awareness that help is available for those in need. It’s a five-star organization and has been for many years

KT provides funding to enhance treatment methods, advance the search for a cure, and support the prevention of kidney disease and other related or contributory conditions

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