Prior to the 1999 incorporation of KidneyTexas, Inc., the organization was an auxiliary to the local National Kidney Foundation office. Since that time, the dedicated volunteers of KidneyTexas have worked in tandem with our generous sponsors and underwriters to raise over $4.7 million for local efforts to improve the ability to diagnose and manage kidney disease. Our beneficiaries include:
The incorporators of KidneyTexas, Inc. include those volunteers who, over more than thirty years, have given their time, talents, and financial resources to further the purposes for which the corporation was founded:
Martha Ashby
Barbara Bigham
Teeny Board*
Anita Browne
Pat Burford
Kelley Burks
Patty Caolo
Nancy Carter
Patricia Cowlishaw
Mary Donohoe
Susan S. Gekiere
Sue Goodnight*
Denise Haynsworth
Ann Jobe
Ramona Jones
Lorraine Meenan
Mary Miller
Carole Murray
Jeanette Otis *
Pamela Snavely
Vicki Anderson Tighe
Patty Jo Turner
Mary Van Eaton
Emilynn Wilson
* deceased
Mrs. Dan Bailey
Mrs. William Barrett
Mrs. Robert J. Bigham, Jr.
Mrs. Lawrence C. Board
Mrs. Roger Bumgarner
Mrs. Charles E. Burford
Mrs. Patty Caolo
Mrs. Jerry Carlton
Mrs. Gene Carter
Mrs. Herbert H. Cashen II
Mrs. Christopher Cole
Mrs. Mary Cotten
Mrs. Willis Cowlishaw
Mrs. Mayo Crum
Mrs. John Dale
Ms. Jennifer Derby
Mrs. Howard Derrick III
Mrs. John R. Ford
Mrs. William Gillies
Mrs. Brian Glasscock
Ms. Sue Goodnight
Mrs. Rick Gray
Mrs. Mark Hardin
Ms. Jo Ann Hayes
Mrs. R. Steven Ivy
Ms. Judy Jarmon
Mrs. Marvin Johnson
Mrs. Ramona Jones
Mrs. Carl Long III
Mrs. Robert Martin
Mrs. Jay McDonough
Mrs. Robert McGraw
Mrs. William Meenan
Mrs. Andrew Meyercord
Mrs. William Miller
Mrs. Scott Murray
Mrs. Herb Otis
Mrs. James T. Rogers
Mrs. Pete Rose
Mrs. Gregg Smith
Mrs. G. Lynn Smith
Mrs. Perry Snavely
Mrs. George TImmons
Miss Mary Carolyn Trent
Mrs. John Turner
Ms. Mary Van Eaton
Mrs. Claude R. Wilson, Jr.
Mrs. Karol Wilson
Mrs. David Winter, Jr.
8215 Westchester Drive Suite 314B – Dallas TX 75225
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